During this year's Nordic VR Forum, we were not only present with a stand, but we also contributed with various professional presentations during these two days. One of these was together with our partner in Japan: AVR Japan, and their technical director Bjørne Hoff. Together with our CTO, Kristine Kvam, they talked about how we collaborate, and which projects we collaborate on, including a Japanese wedding that will take place in Fynd CORE this month.
Different consumer cultures
The talk also focused on what differences there are in the Japanese consumer culture compared to the Norwegian one, and how they approach Metaverse with slightly different areas of use than one might first imagine. Fynd has entered into a new partnership and is testing haptic gloves from Senseglove, where we are looking at how to use these in Fynd CORE. We have already been challenged in several areas for haptic interactions from AVR which is quite exciting for us.
A wedding will be held in Fynd CORE this month and the wish is also to see how this can be extended to for instance burial sites. In Japan, people want to meet once a year to clean the family grave site and visit it together as a family, so why can't this also be done in a virtual graveyard?
See the whole talk with Bjørne and Kristine: