The Virtual Medicine Room

The virtual Medicine room

Everyday there are people in hospitals who’s lives depend on the medication they’re given.

It is therefore hugely important to be able to trust those who handle this medicine, but at the same time we know that accidents might happen. We also know that this is the area where most medical students fail. That is why, in collaboration with Inland University of Applied Sciences, we developed a tool that will alleviate these risks.

In the virtual medicine room

Nurses administer medications based on the six rights: The right drug, the right patient, the right dose, the right route, the right time and the right documentation. The students enter an identical virtual copy of a medicine room either alone or together. Here you have all the medicine and drugs you typically handle when dealing with patients. While in the simulation, you get a patient journal that you have to follow. You then prepare drugs for the patient according to what the journal says. Finally, you get feedback informing you how you did. \n\nRead more about how the virtual medicine room